【Beethoven Kid-sized T-shirt】HKS x Ozawa Kazuo: 貝多芬童裝T恤 (粉藍 Blue)

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為慶祝貝多芬誕生250周年,香港小交響樂團特別推出以日本藝術家小澤一雄的插畫製作的T恤。 In celebration of the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has made this special edition T-shirt with the illustration by Japanese artist Ozawa Kazuo.

Maklumat produk


In celebration of the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has made this special edition T-shirt with the illustration by Japanese artist Ozawa Kazuo.

尺碼 Size  [XXS (100)]
寬度 Width :31 cm
長度 Length :43 cm

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