【A4 文件夾 Envelope Folder】2023 香港國際指揮大賽 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition



香港小交響樂團為2023香港國際指揮大賽特別推出之紙質文件夾,文件夾上之插畫由捷克藝術家Jiří Votruba設計並使用燙印技術印製,配以歐洲布紋咭紙,呈現獨特質感,極具收藏價值。 [由本地品牌ditto ditto製造] Released in celebration of the 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition, this special edition envelope folder was produced by the local boutique design studio ditto ditto, with the charming illustrations of Czech artist Jiří Votruba hot-stamped onto beautiful textured card. Add this to your stationery collection now! 即日起凡於樂團網店購買此文件夾即可獲贈2023香港國際指揮大賽紀念品一套。數量有限,送完即止! Purchase the envelope folder now via the online shop to get a set of exclusive souvenirs for the 2023 Competition!

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